Ultima Thule Technology Ltd

Web Site Monitoring

Time is a vital component to the use of this information and often it may only be effective if you are among the first to hear of it. YAlert from Ultima Thule will monitor any public websites including secure sites for which you have a membership. Alerts can be set up so that when new information is released on these websites you are made aware of it. Whether you want to be informed of the addition of new pages, the addition of new content or the insertion of specific keywords, YAlert can be set up to provide you with that information

  • Competitive Intelligence
  • Copyright
  • News Monitoring
  • Lead Generation

For more information on how Ultima Thule can help you with a comprehensive range of services which have been developed to help protect and grow your business then please contact us.

  • Research

    During every stage of planning and maintenance for your business, you will find that you are highly dependent on the use of accurate and timely data.

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  • Consultancy

    There are a number of aspects to running a business that some companies simply do not have the time or the expertise to complete themselves. However, without some of these core areas, businesses may suffer.

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  • Software

    Software is an invaluable part of the IT infrastructure within any business. While there are software packages available from most shops and over the Internet, most of these off the shelf options simply don't have the right level of functionality to provide true worth to a company.

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  • Oracle
  • NHS
  • Lancaster ICT
  • Infolab21
  • Lancashire Rose
  • Growth Accelerator
  • Technology Means Business